The MN Mobile Web Report Card
Since mobile web accounts for 20% of all Internet traffic and 26% of Americans use their mobile phone to participate in the 2010 midterm elections, we thought it would be time to see how well Minnesota federal campaigns and political parties are using mobile web.
The verdict: not very well.
(We, on the other hand, got a perfect score of 6 out of 6.)
We used Google’s handy GoMoMeter to score the sites and see how fast their homepages download. Here’s some quick insights:
- The presidential and senate campaigns all had mobile sites that were quite speedy, though Kurt Bills’ took over 8 seconds to download.
- The Minnesota GOP is worlds ahead of the DFL Party – kudos to them. While the DFL recently updated their site they largely ignored mobile.
- While her mobile website leaves a lot to be desired, Betty McCollum’s campaign got a perfect six out of six from the GoMoMeter.
- While normally an innovative campaigner, Michele Bachmann’s campaign to nearly over nine seconds to download her desktop site.
- Keith Ellison’s campaign has the most benefit from mobile with a MACE of 108.5% within his district. Unfortunately, his desktop site was the second slowest to download.
Here are the complete results:
Candidate | GoMo Score (out of 6) |
MACE | Mobile Site? | Site Speed (in sec.) |
Barack Obama (i) | 4 | n/a | Yes | 2.75 |
Mitt Romney | 4 | n/a | Yes | 4.91 |
Amy Klobuchar (i) | 4 | 51.6% | Yes | 1.75 |
Kurt Bills | 4 | 51.6% | Yes | 8.63 |
Al Franken (i) | 1 | 51.6% | No | 5.12 |
MN DFL | 2 | 51.6% | No | 12.78 |
MN GOP | 4 | 51.6% | Yes | 0.15 |
Tim Walz (i) | 1 | 34.0% | No | 5.27 |
Mike Parry | 2 | 34.0% | No | 2.51 |
Alan Quist | 1 | 34.0% | No | 6.17 |
John Kline (i) | 1 | 57.1% | No | 7.08 |
Mike Obermueller | 2 | 57.1% | No | 2.42 |
Erik Paulsen (i) | 3 | 70.5% | No | 3.22 |
Brian Barnes | 1 | 70.5% | No | 7.90 |
Betty McCollum (i) | 6 | 95.2% | Yes | 1.17 |
Tony Hernandez | 1 | 95.2% | No | 8.17 |
Keith Ellison(i) | 1 | 108.5% | No | 10.63 |
Chris Fields | 2 | 108.5% | No | 3.08 |
Michele Bachmann (i) | 1 | 38.1% | No | 9.25 |
Jim Graves | 1 | 38.1% | No | 8.55 |
Colin Peterson (i) | 1 | 14.8% | No | 7.07 |
Lee Byberg | 1 | 14.8% | No | 4.75 |
Chip Cravaack (i) | 1 | 25.4% | No | 9.30 |
Jeff Anderson | 1 | 25.4% | No | 7.09 |
Tarryl Clark | 1 | 25.4% | No | 11.67 |
Rick Nolan | 1 | 25.4% | No | 7.62 |