PoliMinute-June Archived Edition
There’s a lot of noise in political channels.
Unfortunately, very little of it will help you win a campaign, reach out to constituents or support your advocacy efforts. That’s why we created PoliMinute, a once-a-week update on mobile and politics with articles from our blog and other sourced content.
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Here’s some of what you missed last month:
#1 Don’t Burn Your Mobile List!
Many supporters subscribe to e-mail lists for insights on campaign activities, wins and other information. What they don’t expect is the tsunami of donation asks – which effectively ‘burn’ email lists. It’s often the primary reason why e-mail open rates so low compared to other industries. Campaigns who think they can do the same with their SMS lists are sorely mistaken:
#2 Text2Give? It’s More like Text2Lose.
Text2Give campaigns, the tool used successfully by nonprofits, was heralded as the great fundraising equalizer against Super PACS. Supporters could donate to a campaign on impulse, $10 at a time, without filling out any forms. Though the FEC approved its use in early June, there’s still a lot of excitement. Unfortunately, the numbers aren’t just there yet from our own analysis. C&E has their own take on this fundraising method:
#3 Looking for Mobile Examples? Look no further than the GOP.
While Obama use mobile tools with great effect in 2008, Democrats largely ignored them in 2010. There are more than a few examples of how GOP candidates and incumbents leveraged mobile to connect with voters and supporters. This article is a little dusty, but the work that Rep. Devin Nunes (campaign ad: http://goo.gl/VClAC) should generate some ideas. Mobile Marketer covered the Congressman’s efforts last fall:
Want to incorporate mobile tools in your campaign?
We’d be happy to sit down and brainstorm ideas with you. Contact us at 651-222-9201 or via email at info@polimobile.com.